MBI 19-11 Chateau de Waroux – Liege
November 19, we will again organize an MBI event in Liege about doing business in Morocco. This event is dedicated for French speaking audience
November 19, we will again organize an MBI event in Liege about doing business in Morocco. This event is dedicated for French speaking audience
The official launch of the new brand Morocco Now : The Opportunity of a Fast-Growing Business Destination
A delegation of Institutional, public and private Moroccan actors will be present with the objective of exposing and promoting the investment opportunities offered by the Kingdom at The Dubai Expo 2020.
Moroccan Business Week: a global investment hub A delegation of Institutional, public and private Moroccan actors will be present with the objective of exposing and promoting the investment opportunities offered by the Kingdom at The Dubai Expo
Maghrib Belgium Impulse Days will be an exclusive event where you will have the opportunity to interact with representatives of some of the most promising Moroccan economies.
Le Centre Régional d’Investissement Souss Massa organise en partenariat avec Marocains Entrepreneurs du Monde MeM by CGEM, des “After ftours” virtuels dédiés aux Marocains entrepreneurs et hauts potentiels du Monde les jeudis 29 avril et 6 mai
These are our partners & supporters who will contribute to our webinars series in the future and help us build the platform.
Maghrib Belgium Impulse Days will be an exclusive event where you will have the opportunity to interact with representatives of some of the most promising Moroccan economies.
Le Centre Régional d’Investissement Souss Massa organise en partenariat avec Marocains Entrepreneurs du Monde MeM by CGEM, des “After ftours” virtuels dédiés aux Marocains entrepreneurs et hauts potentiels du Monde les jeudis 29 avril et 6 mai
We are very proud to be partner and sponsor of ClimateLaunchpad Morocco.
About ClimateLaunchpad ClimateLaunchpad is the world’s largest green business ideas competition.
During this session the vision, the milestones and the tools to help you influence the investment strategies and participate to this sustainable recovery of Morocco will be discussed .
The new agreements follow a Memorandum of Understanding earlier this month that aims to promote business opportunities in Morocco to German investors.
The objective of this webinar is to brainstorm in order to formulate recommendations in the form of a toolbox